Sports Authority of India on 6 Oct 2020, sanctioned Rs 5 lakh each for an archer Sh. Neeraj Chauhan and his brother Sh. Sunil Chauhan, who is a boxer, under the Deen Dayal Upadhyay Fund. The step has been taken to give financial sport to the players as both the players had an acute financial […]
Indian women boxer Manju Bamboriya defeated by Italian Boxer Carini Angela with a score of 1-4 in 64 weight Category at Women’s World Championships in Ulan-Ude, Russia, which in turn ended her campaign in the championship. On the other hand Indian women boxer Manu Rani defeated Venezuela’s boxer Rajos Tayonis with unanimous verdict 5-0 in […]
Indian boxer Manju Rani won Silver Medal at AIBA Women World Boxing Championship Ulan –Ude, Russia in 48 Kg and ended her Champaign. Manju Rani secured her place in finals after her remarkable performance in defeating Thailand boxer Chuthamat Raksat with the verdict of 4-1 in 48 Kg but could not able to perform well in […]