
Government Of India Makes Sporting Infrastructure Accessible To All

Government Of India Makes Sporting Infrastructure Accessible To All:  As you are aware that the FIT India movement has started on 29th  August 2019 at New Delhi to aware people stay fitter, healthier & Happier. In view of same an initiative has been taken by GOI to make playfields and Sports Infrastructure accessible to all i.e.  Any individual, Coaches, federations, etc. without any cost.

Facilities to avail:

  • National and state sports Federations can avail the facilities at Stadiums free of cost for conducting any competitions, camps, and leagues.
  • No SAI coaches can train their athletes by availing the facilities at Stadium free of cost by booking their training slot online. The number of trainers  should not be less than 10(Non-SAI Coaches may charge a fee from  their students  as a coaching fee)
  • Anyone who is not training for any sports professionally will also have access to all stadiums and will have to get an identity card provided by SAI at Nominal Cost.

Stadiums open for all are as follows ;

  • JN Stadium, New Delhi
  • Major Dhyanchand Stadium, New Delhi
  • Karni Singh Shooting Range, New Delhi
  • IG Stadium, New Delhi
  • SPM Swimming Pool Complex, New Delhi

Stadiums earmarked for conducting tournaments, competition and leagues as follows;

  • JN Stadium, New Delhi: Football
  • Major Dhyanchand Stadium, New Delhi: Hockey
  • Karni Singh Shooting Range, New Delhi: Shooting
  • IG Stadium, New Delhi: Wrestling, Boxing, Judo, Badminton


Online booking for the same will start from 1 November 2019

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